Friday, April 27, 2007

Look at This! :)

My site was nominated for Best Parenting Blog!

I've been nominated for an award! I'm so honored, and flattered that anyone likes reading this stuff enough to nominate me. :) Seriously, this makes my day! Please go vote for me!

My site was nominated for Hottest Mommy Blogger!

*edited to add* WOW! Vote here too! :)


super des said...

I voted for you!
You could vote for my jewelry site.... hint hint.

Grandma Lola said...

I voted honey. Have a good weekend.

Mrs. S. said...

YEA!!! ;)

Just Me said...

Yeah for you! I am going to go vote right now!

Katie McKenna said...


I'm sorry to hear about your losses. You've had such a tough go of it!

Roxi said...

Hotness Personified

SignGurl said...

Congrats, my friend!

Angela said...

How ya'll doing? Haven't read much from ya. Just checking in a bit:-). Happy early Mother's Day if I don't hear from you before then:-).

Politically Homeless said...

Congrats...hope ya win! :) Hottest mommy blogger is like two awards in one!

Katie McKenna said...

Hello and hugs!

MomThatsNuts said...

Come out and play!! I got sunburned today so that super sucks. I could have SWORN I have commented here a billion times. Maybe the blogmonster ate my comments....go figure~! HOW ARE YA>>>>>>
