WooHoo! Two months worth of HNT! How time flies...
I haven't felt well today. Didn't do a whole lot...posted a few cartoons I'd gotten in an email that made me chuckle, checked out a few blogs, took a long-assed nap!
Last night I put a Weatherpixie on my blog in the sidebar. Would you look at that?!?! 14 fuckin' degrees!! In Oklahoma!!! It wasn't anywhere NEAR that cold on my birthday! And to top it all off, it freakin' SNOWED today! Grrrrr...I hate snow! We got at least an inch, maybe 2 here in the city. The snow doesn't bother me half as much as the cold though. Hope it doesn't last long!
Anyway, for HNT this week I've got a picture of warmer days. This is 2yr old....ah, bloody hell....I'm tired of referring to the kids by ages! This is DESTINY, enjoying the kiddie pool this past summer. We were at my grandparents' house, and it was a spur of the moment thing, so she didn't have a swimsuit, only her Pull-up. You shoulda seen that thing after it was waterlogged! LOL...it was hanging way down in the back showing half her little butt! Too funny...
As for the other kids' names....5yr old is Andy...baby girl is Meghan. :)
For more Half-Nekkid fun, go see the Grand Poobah of HNT: Osbasso! Just click the half-nekkid chick on the red button in my sidebar. Happy HNT Y'all!
Wow. I'm the first. Its 10-degrees here too. And our snowstorm is on the way.
Your photo really made me think about summer. I bet she was really loving it.
It may seem like a long way away but the burning hot days of summer will be return. Happy HNT.
Very pretty girl! Hope you're feeling better soon! Cheers and happy HNT!
tooo cute! and thanks for inspiring warm thoughts. happy HNT!
Ahh sunshine and little angels! Happiness! Happy HNT!
So cute! Look at those cheeks!
(and now that I've typed that, I want to shoot myself because I once swore I'd never say "Look at those cheeks" about a child)
But it's still a cute pic. =)
Destiny is absolutely gorgeous. You guys must be freezing right now! Well, Happy Birthday (don't freeze to death). Look at that. Our birthdays are only days apart!
Very cute pic. Gotta get em started early for HNT right? Just kidding MAMA. HHNT and hope you feel better.
Pure happiness! Thanks for sharing :o) Cheers
Happy HNT!
Adorable - so cute. :)
Aww.. Little kids and summer. How can you go wrong?
Awwwww... lol I guess that's what comes to mind when it's kids that age. Age is relevant too - they are way too cute at 2 yrs old. Got one of them cuties sitting next to me right now!
Aaaaaaaw she's a cutie. Happy HNT
Very cute... Happy HNT
I did that with my daughter a LOT this past summer. It's hilarious when they are running around with a waterlogged pull up on. She's beautiful!
Happy HNT and try to stay warm!
Oh, she looks so warm and cute.
Adorable! And thanks for the sweet memories of a warm summer day! Happy HNT and feel better soon!
What a cutie! :) Happy HNT!
Look how CUUUUTE! Ah, YES. Warmer days.
Hey if we can't have warm weather now, let's post some sunshine! Happy HNT! ;)
What a lovely, lovely little girl! HHNT!
hi mamaKbear! happy HNT! ive pondered getting aspen involved in this mix too. maybe ill wait till summer though
Just when I thought my kids out-grew their baby pool they figured out how to still use it. They put it under the slide and filled it with water and slid into it. I even tried it until the CoorsLight truck driver stopped in the highway to watch me. I went back to my lawn chair. Apparently a slightly overweight woman in a bikini (I know! But I was trying to tan!) going down a small slide into a kiddie pool isn't something he see's everyday.......
So adorable!! The joy of the kiddie pool!! Too cute!! Happy HNT!!
Cutest HNT I've seen ;) Have a great one!
Destiny...that says it all...now doesn't it?
She could not be any cuter.
Happy HNT.
What a little cutie pie she is!!!!
Happy HNT!!
beautiful beautiful beautiful child~
Very cute! Happy HNT.
Hope you are feeling better!
Too cute! Great to see the warm pics during these cold times!
Happy HNT :)
how adorable! Happy HNT!
She is beautiful just like her mama!
You just made me decide to post the HNT I was flip flopping on.
Happy HNT!
so cute :) makes me want another one :)
happy HNT, you!
what a cutie
Waterlogged diapers and pullups crack me up!
We got about the same amount of snow as you did. Now, even as cold as it is, it's a sloggy, slushy mess outside. That should be fun traipsing around in tonight for the Christmas program! Agh.
I love your HNTs mamakbear.
Your mama love is beautiful.
Love the name Destiny.
Happy HNT.
Thanks for the compliment :)
And this is definantely the CUTEST HNT Pic I have seen.
Happy HNT!
Ahhh, good times in the sunshine! I wish it were that time of year.
Happy HNT.
PS - I spent a night in OK city a few weeks ago, near Bricktown. Spent the evening there and had a BLAST. Great town, I'll be back.
Yeeesh! While snow is indeed yucky, summer days are not. Cute kid and happy HNT!
See, i had to go back and read your post, which I normally don't do on HNT, because I'm an idiot and my lips get tired from all that flapping while I read. But your picture made me go back and read because I had always though you were older than the cutie in the picture, which, it turns out, is true!
yay for my awesome detective skills and Happy HNT!
the idiot
I LOVE those bathing beauties! There is something pure about a joyful, wading toddler!
Aw! Destiny's sweet. And so's her mommy -- thanks, btw, and HHNT to you too. :)
Such a cute and precious little girl!! Awww....Happy HNT! :)
What a cutie! Happy HNT!
Ah... memories of actually being able to run around topless. happy hnt.
too cute, too precious. thanks for visiting. happy HNT & get well soon {{mamaKbear}}
Brrrrr.. we could use a day like that right now. Joyously cool shot ;-) happy hnt
Such a cute kid!
Thanks for posting on my blog.
Happy *day late* HNT day!
such a sweet pic!
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