SO...today I am 34! Dang, I'm gettin' old. At least I feel it sometimes.
No big plans today....MrKB is at work and we won't be going out or anything since we're broke. My Mom is coming to pick me up in awhile to take me out to lunch. She's also getting me a birthday cheesecake...yum!
Other than that, it's not gonna be much of a day. Oh well.
A very, very Happy Birthday to you! May this year bring you many blessings. :) Oh, and... Cheers!
A very merry birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!!
Happy Birthday to you!!
Happy Birthday dear Mamakbear!!
Happy Birthday to you!!!
SET SCENE: a bunch of people in mexican hats and party favors and lots of margarita's around! Everyone is singing and clapping:
I don't know the rest but you get the picture!!!!
Hey MamaK Happy B-day to you :) Your not old at all. Still a youn'un..:)
Happy Birthday Mamma! Don't say you are getting old, I am not far behind you!
Far, Lecram, Kim, & Jill: Thanks so much y'all!! :)
MrsCoach: LOL that is so funny...I went to a Mexican restaurant for lunch and they sang Happy Birthday to me while I wore a purple sombrero! Woulda had a margarita, but this particular restaurant only had beer. Thanks for the bday wishes! :)
Kali, Aisha, & Ty: Glad y'all think I'm still young! I do feel old sometimes though. Thanks y'all! :)
Happy Birthday dahling! 34? So young!
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y ! ! !
I hope you have a wonderful B-day.
And trust me, 34 is not old at all.
I'm sorry I missed it. My ISP is still being tempermental and I couldn't get here last night.
Happy Belated Birthday!!!!!
Well Happy Belated Birthday there girlfriend!!!
Hope you had a good one!
awww ... happy belated birthday to you ! i hope you had a gooder day :)
Hope your day is GREAT
BTW....that's not old... so very not old...
Happy Belated Birthday!!
I'll be done with 34 next month - it was fun!!
Happy Belated BDay...hope it was a blast.
Brian: Thanks! At least I still get carded for alcohol, so I guess I don't look 34! :)
MCB: Thanks sweetie! :)
mdrock: It's okay..apparently blogger was down for quite awhile yesterday while I was out. Thanks for the birthday wishes, that's the sweetest one yet! :)
Jenn: No worries! Thanks for stopping by. :)
awaterpixie: Thank you! I did! :)
Thomcat: Thanks! It was great! :)
MG, Snav, & Natalia: Thanks so much y'all! Love ya! :)
Happy Birthday! I'm only a day late!
I SO wanna get in on Mrs.Coach's birthday scene . . .
Happy Belated Birthday!!!! I hope it was a wonderful day!
Hope your birthday is filled with love, laughter and lots of loot!!
Happy birthday!!! I hope your day is wonderful and thanks for your last caring note!:)
Happy Birthday sweetheart!
Happy Birtttthdaaayyy, Little Mammmaaaaa, Happy Birrrthday, lil mamaaaa!
I'm sorry I'm late...I started to make the rounds last night when Blogger went down, so I drank heavily as IF it was MY birthday and went to bed. No, no, I didn't, but let's pretend I did.
Hey...you're a Sag too, we rock!
Crap! I'm a day late. Happy belated birthday! :)
Happy birthday. Better late than never I guess.
I missed telling you happy birthday! I'm sorry, I've been on the run all week.
Hope it was a good one!
Happy B-day to you! Hope you had a great day!
I'm late and I suck. I'm sorry. Hope you had a fabu day! :)
Lots of December blogger babies! ^_^
Happy B-lated!
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