Thursday, April 27, 2006

Easter Portraits

Okay, I haven't sorted through the seemingly half-million reunion photos yet so I can show you the best ones. But I finally got my online copies of the Easter portraits we had made of the girls on Meghan's birthday! I should've had them sooner, and I was supposed to be able to pick up the actual portraits from Target 3 days ago...but apparently FedEx messed up and sent them to the wrong store and now it's gonna be the 4th before I can get them. Bummer.

Anyway, here ya go...

Ta-Da!! So tell me, which ones do YOU like???


GERBEN said...

OMG! They are all GREAT! They look so sweet. If I have to choose just a few I go with

#10 &

Huh, look at that. All even numbers.

Grandma Lola said...

They are all so gorgeous! I have a hard time with this kind of stuff and usually end up getting all of the darn pictures. I love 4, 7 & 10.

Unknown said...

I like them all. Very nice. :)

Monica said...

I love the first one...the rounded mouth look of the little one, come adorable can you get? Plus 3, 7, 10...these four are my favorites but oh, heck MamaBear, I like them ALL...don't make me choose!

Mara said...

Oh my loard!! They are absolutely ADORABLE!! That's what it's all about.. hOW cute!

cmhl said...

awwwwwwww, they are beautiful...

Just Me said...

I sure hope those are all yours and you don't have to pick because that would be too hard.

They are all beautiful but I have to say, my favorites are the ones where the girls are petting the bunny. I guess I go for the candid type portraits.

Erin M said...

wow !!! you got an awesome group of shots! The last time I had portraits done of teh girls I actually bought the one where Mira is looking at her belly button and tessa is picking her nose ROFL. Its would be hared to pick from a great group like that!

SignGurl said...

I couldn't pick. They're all adorable!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I like #3 and #4. #3 for the smile on Destiny's face, and #4 for Megan's. SWEET!

natty68 said...

Oh wow MamaK what little cuties you have. :) I couldnt choose between any of them, all of them are good.


Aisha T. said...

Heart melting! Those two are absolutely adorable.

~Tim said...

Oh, don't make me choose....

Moosekahl said...

Absolutely no way I can pick just one...Those pictures are completely precious!

Ryan said...

they r all good 2 hard 2 pick i would go with all of them.

Angela said...

I like all of them !!!!! Love the matching dresses too. These are really great pics. :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow yall make some BEAUTIFUL babies:-}

Randi said...

I gotta be honest, I'm a sucker for little boys so I've been dying to know if I'm going to be the aunt of a nephew but these pictures have me ok with the idea of having a niece. So darling.

AJ said...

They are beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Its hard to choose their all so cute.

Anonymous said...

I like #10. The picture of Meghan playing with the rabbit. But both girls are adorable. And they seem so happy.

Anonymous said...

They are all adorable Mama and congratulations on the court moving along so quickly now. Your day will come. Have a great weekend.

RJ said...

They're all gorgeous KB!!


PS. Thanks for your well wishes!!


Shannon said...

AWWW! They look so pretty!! I love all of them! :)

~ A P R I L ~ said...

I like #4 best, but they're all gooooooooood. You should be so proud!

lecram sinun said...

I think all of them are sweet! :)

Jillian said...

Those all all great shots!!

Roxi said...


Queen Of Cheese said...

Get the ones with the bunnies in them! Nati loves to go back through and look at her pics with bunnies in them. I'm now at in case you wondered where I went.

GERBEN said...

Where are you?

I hope all is well.

Anonymous said...

They are all completely dripping with sweetness! The girls are adorable! I clicked on your link from a comment on another blog when you mentioned one of your little ones turning a year (Mine was 1 year on May 1st) so I had to drop in!
Okay, so love the 1st, 6th, 7th, 10th, and the last one..if I HAD to choose of course...hehe.

~ Amanda X&O said...

OMG! How pretty are those little girls! I love them all.

Leesa said...

These are adorable!!