Monday, January 02, 2006

Calling All Lurkers!!!

Ok, here's the deal...I am curious as to how many of y'all actually come by my little space on a regular basis. Some of you I already know as regulars because you comment often...and I love ya for it!

According to my sitemeter, I have an average of 65 hits a day, not counting Thursdays obviously, and only about 10 or so peeps comment with any regularity.

So, humor me, please....leave a comment today, even if just to say "Hi" and let me know you were here. Thanks so much! :)


natty68 said...

*Waves* hiya sweetie :)


Manblogger641 said...

Hi, I stop by once in a while I have you as one of my favorites etc... I hope you have a great new year.

~ A P R I L ~ said...

Hey there, I'm not here daily, but I do read often.

John said...

Hi! You're on my blogroll. ;-)


SignGurl said...

*raises hand* Present!

Phil said...

Hi, I'm not lurking, but I got here via Mo's blog.

BTExpress said...

Hey! I stop by almost everyday but don't comment each time I visit.

Email me and I'll help you with StatCounter then you can see who the visitors are, even if they don't comment.

Tammy said...

Happy New Year, MamaK.

My other addy for HNT and such is

Angela said...

Hey MamaK. Hope ya had a fun weekend bringing in the New Year. :-) Thank you btw the way for the kind words and support. Luv ya bunches..

Bat said...


Queen Of Cheese said...

HELLOOOO! I am here!!!!! Bet your relieved to know that now!

MamaKBear said...

natty: *waves back* Glad to see you stop by! :)

manblogger: Hiya! Now, see? I didn't even know you ever came by! You're in my faves now as well. :)

April: Hey girl! :) Any luck at the casino lately?

John: Hi back atcha! You've been on mine too...Thanks for stopping by. :)

Jenn: *making checkmark on list* Accounted for! :)

Phil: Well, hello! I hope you will stop by again sometime! :)

BT: Same here...I can tell WHERE they are coming from, just don't always know WHO they are. I may shoot you an email sometime soon.

Boo: Right back atcha, sweetie! Got the new place bookmarked. :)

Kali: It wasn't bad...just stayed home, nothing exciting. LOL And hey..that's what friends are for! Hope things get better soon. :)

Chunk: Hi! Glad you stop by, hun. :)

MrsCoach: *sighing in relief* Oh, I feel so much better now! hehehe Seriously though, I'm glad you're around. :)

The Village Idiot said...

ahhh consider yourself notified of my whereabouts..Happy New Year from your friendly neighborhood idiot lurker!

MamaKBear said...

Idiot: Hi there! Thanks, and I'm glad you stop by! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm new but not a lurker (well maybe just a little one!!!!)

Anonymous said...


I'm here ... ::smile::

Grandma Lola said...

Hi mammakbear! no lurking here. *hugs*

Anonymous said...

sometimes I comment, sometimes I don't...I love the scenery~

Kim said...

I've been lurking lately!

Happy New Year.

Randi said...

hello! i'm an occasional stumbler more than a lurker, does that count?

Stephanie said...

I lurk sometimes - sorry!! :P

Hillbilly Mom said...

I come here often. The holidays kept me busy, but I get here at least a couple times a week. I don't always have anything witty to say, so I don't comment. I've had you rolled for quite a while now.

Anonymous said...


Wenchy said...

Hi! :o)

Autumn said...

I'm here. Just been sick all week, so I missed this post :(

Katie McKenna said...

:) always a pleasure to stop in.

SG said...

Hi! You left a commenton my HNT post... of course you can come, the more the merrier! :)

Mark Leslie said...

Hey there - I tend not to always comment every time I visit a blog, only when I feel I have something to add or say in response - I usually do try to comment on my HNT visits though.....cause it seems to be the culture of the HNT community!

RJ said...

What if I wanna lurk in private KBear .. huh HuH HUH .. or mayhaps I just wanna stare at your ... bellybutton jewels ;o)

*waves from Oz*

Anonymous said...

Hi, I finally got around to adding the three new ones to my blogroll that I wanted to...:) you of course was one of them...this isn't letting me put my name in so I'll just sign it Monica from Texas. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, I finally got around to adding the three new ones to my blogroll that I wanted to...:) you of course was one of them...this isn't letting me put my name in so I'll just sign it Monica from Texas. :)

Robert van de Walle said...

Not so much a lurker, but here's just a quick "hi!" to perhaps give you a little high.

Eh, that was dumb.