That made no sense to me. Since when is DHS higher than a judge's decision??? We finally got ahold of our lawyer today and we will be going in to see him on Friday to discuss the case. Maybe he'll be able to do something regarding the adoption, I don't know. Also, the adoption is not going to cost us anything, but we found out that for him to help us fight for Andy, it's going to cost...and come out of our pockets. We will at least need him for the mediation hearing. I don't know how much it will cost, but if we can't afford him or get something worked out, I don't know what we will do. Might have to end up giving Andy up.
Anyway, I know y'all are here for HNT, but I wanted to post a bit of an update for those who cared.
This week's HNT is what I consider to be my best feature. Lately they are very tired! So here ya go.....My eyes! BTW, this is without makeup...not even mascara. You should see 'em when they're all dressed up! LOL

Very beautiful eyes! WoW!
Happy HNT
What beautiful eyes you have... windows the soul and all that.
What is your soul saying today Mamakbear?
Stunning eyes, that color is to die for.
Happy HNT!
Yep, that colour is gorgeous. :)
holy crap, that color is amazing!
Even if your eyes are tired, they still look beautiful. And the color is quite stunning. Happy HNT to you. :)
stop staring at me Kbear - you're scaring me!!! mwwaahahahahahaa!!
Love ya hunni
Bexxie xox
MamaK- people pay good money for contacts that still can't get them that amazing color. Gorgeous.
And my tummy's not really flat- I'm sucking in.....
You have the most beautiful eyes! HHNT.
(and hey, good luck to you)
Beautiful eyes, HHNT!
Hopefully in just a few months this whole thing will be behind you. Damned court system needs to get their fingers out of their butts and let you be a family.
Love the eyes....are those green??
Very nice!
And congratulations on Meghan saying Mommy!
they are beautiful eyes as is. saying a prayer for a quick, cheap, favorable resolution to the legal issues.
happy HNT
how can anyone look at those eyes and not see that they are FILLED with - no- those eyes are overflowing with love.
they sparkle like you!
first time here, clicked through on Duff's site.
'Mamak' is Malay for chilling. Is that what you meant? Chillbear? ;)
your eyes are amazing..
Great eyes hon!
Hope the adoption thing works out soon. ((hug))
I so lovin every piece of you, Sweetie, from one green eyed beauty to another. ;-)
Hoping things work out for you and the family soon. Love the eyes. Cheers and Happy HNT!
It is a striking color. Like the water on the gulf coast in Destin, FL. Clear, always in motion, sea green.
Very lovely.
So beautiful! HHNT!
Jeepers, creepers, where'd you get those peepers?
Good luck with everything else, Gorgeous!
Beautiful eyes! Happy HNT!
Hope you dont have to give up Andy. Just keep holding on.
Happy HNT!
Yes, the eyes have it! Beautiful!
Such pretty eyes!
Such a shame that lawyer's fees are so exhorbitant. Maybe he'll cut you a break?
You have fantastic eyes MommaKBear! Happy HNT!
Amazing eyes!!
Never give up!
Happy HNT!
Yep... looking tired... but considering what you are doing.... very much earned. good luck!!! HHNT!
Love that pic, you look so serious!
Happy HNT!!
I've always wanted green eyes. Lucky! Happy HNT.
you have gorgeous eyes and great lashes too...
happy HNT
Chin up kiddo.
Everything will work itself out, although I do agree that it seems strange that the judge's order isn't higher than the State office.
Beautiful eyes!
Great color!
I like that. They look almost emerald like. HHNT!
Best wishes. I can understand why your cute eyes have that tired look. Just give a wink and you'll smile. Stay positive.
Happy HNT!!!!
HHNT !!!
Those kids are deffinatly in the right family
prairie girl xxx
Wow what beautiful eyes!!!
Thanks for your advice on my blog..I haven't the money right now to persue a reduction and to tell the truth my family is helping me out for now to make ends meet, so in that way they are helping them also!
As far as claiming one of the kids, it's totally long as I contribute at least 50% of their support, which I definitely do.
Thanks again!
Happy HNT!!
Hang in there sweetie, hopes and prayers go with you.
Now to your HNT and your BEAUTIFUL eyes, awesome! I hope they are not only beautiful but HAPPY very soon.
Happy HNT
Beautiful pools of green! Love them!
yes very pretty, but sad looking....hope all is well soon.
thanks for the commment
Beautiful! And I love reading your blog...
Happy HNT--
MamaK, the first word that flashed inmto my little peas brain when I saw your eyes was "Catwoman" I don't know why. Even when I was reading your post (good luck by the way) I felt your eyes following me and in my peripheral vision, they looked like a cat's. And might I say, they are the most beautiful shade of Jade. HHNT Doll.
I've never seen such green eyes! They are beautiful!
Now those are GREEN EYES! WOW!
the eyes of a mother
good luck on Friday, remember what is meant to be will be
You have beautiful green eyes.
Sending thoughts and prayers your way that the whole adoption thing works out and you get to keep Andy.
I agree with everyone else - great eyes. Now, let them rest. There is plenty of time to worry and fret after a nap.
Happy HNT.
WOW!!! Absolutely gorgeous eyes.
Happy HNT!
You really do have beautiful eyes.
As for the adoption issues, it never ceases to amaze me how stupid red tape can keep needy kids out of good homes.
I hope everything goes well, for you and for the kids.
Wow, someone could write a song about those eyes! Wait, there's that one by Sugarloaf. Is that about you?
Happy HNT!
The eyes always do have it!
Happy HNT!!
Wow! The color of your eyes is amazing!
Hope something gets worked about Andy without it costing too much. :-(
Thanks for commenting on my HNT!
The DHS does not like to break up kids in the family (which actually is commendable). They are probably as frustrated with Andy's foster parents you are. Hopefully they'll help persuade the judge to see it your way.
You have amazing eyes. Happy HNT.
Undressed, your eyes are lovely!
I hope all gets squared away with your family situation soon!
Beautiful eyes. Very pretty color.
Good luck with the kids!
Happy HNT!
Nice eyes...very kind looking.
Good luck.
Happy Belated HNT.
Im sorry that you are tired but, your eyes are lovely still! Happy HNT
Hnt is fun, thanks for the comment the other day. I appreciate them all very much.
They eyes have it and I'm a sucker for eyes.
Your eyes are beautiful even without the make up.
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