Sunday, January 22, 2006

Well This is Fun...

This morning all three of the kids (Andy's here for his weekend visit) have got the shits. No idea what it's from, they didn't all eat the same thing, so I figure it's a bug from somewhere.

That, and the baby has a rash that just won't go away...and she's finally teething....poor thing probably doesn't feel very good today. least they're not throwing up.


Moosekahl said...

Poor kiddos...Good luck with all that.

As far as March of the was worth the $3.99 to rent it, I didn't pay $8 to see it in the theater and now I'm glad I didn't. It's amazing those silly birds accomplish what they accomplish and the footage of the little ones is just too darn cute. But when the egg freezes and a chick freezes, and an old penguin dies, I got all teary eyed :)

Grandma Lola said...

Oh honey, I'm sorry everyone is sick. Hope the kids feel better soon. *hugs*

Hillbilly Mom said...

At least they all have it at once. Mine usually get it one, then the other, so it drags out. You know how kids are, touching things and putting hands in mouth, eyes, up the nose...That's how mine pick up the nasty germs. When they were itty bitty, I used to wipe them down with a baby wipe the minute we got out of Wal-mart, and I wiped the cart handle before we got to shopping. I'm really not a clean freak, but I put a bottle of GermX on my desk at school, and last year I didn't get ONE cold. The students use it after blowing noses, and I use it after touching their papers, or if they give back a borrowed pencil, etc. This year my darn kid coughed on me, so I know where this one came from.

.- said...

good times, good times.. - hey, when they get older and keep telling you they don't NEED you -- it's much worse than looking after sick kiddos. Hope it all passes soon.

Lisa said...

Hope everyone feels better soon. Teething can be rough. I always gave my girls baby Tylenol and rubbed some on their gums to help ease the swollen gums.

My mother used to put Creme de Mint on my gums back in the day. I think DHS would frown on that

Redneck Diva said...

Agh...hang in there.

It ain't pretty.

Redneck Diva said...

Oh yeah, I hit enter before I finished what I was going to say...

Go to the vitamin/herb aisle at Wal*Mart and get a bottle of the homeopathic teething tablets. They're just called "teething tablets". Those things are gold. GOLD I'm telling you.

MamaKBear said...

Moosekahl: I will definitely put the marching penquins on my list of movies to watch, and I'll keep the tissues handy!

Chris: Yeah, me too. I'll be glad when they're all big enough not to make a mess all over themselves when this happens! Thanks for stopping by! :)

Hillbilly Mom: Aw, geez...yeah that would suck! And oh, you're one of THOSE! LOL I've been lucky with the kids so far, really. Destiny's only been puking sick once, and the baby hasn't been sick at all. I also have some GermX-type stuff in the diaper bag. :)

Velma: I'm SO not looking forward to those days! They're doing better already...Thanks for stopping by! :)

RockBitch: She's almost 9 1/2 months old and I can't believe she doesn't already have some teeth. She hasn't been too terribly fussy so far, but they haven't quite started to cut through yet either. I've got the baby Tylenol handy! :)

Diva: I'm hangin'! I've got to go to WalMart and pick up some diapers and stuff, so I will definitely check on the teething tablets. Thanks! :)

SignGurl said...

The shits are the worst. I'll pray that you don't get it.

Anonymous said...

Both our children got their teeth late and have fairly high pain thresholds so it wasn't real bad. And I second what Velma had to say. It may seem like a long time from now but children grow up fast. Just hope you don't get whatever they have. Good luck. I hope they all get well soon.

•♥•m•♥• said...

on a side note.....I didnt want it to get buried in the 80 comments below....CONGRATS on the adoption!! Im so happy for U. Your kids are very blessed to have you fighting for them!! M

Stacey said...

mamabear, thanks for the visit and the comment. It means alot to know that people care.

Congrats on your adoption, I looked around a bit, and it sounds like you're a busy mama bear! Ha! I hope things work out for you with Andy too.

BTExpress said...

Thank goodness I'm past having to deal with my son having the shits. My son is 23 and if he gets them, that's his own problem.

212degreedesigns said...

i'm not alone i'm not alone! lol