So anyway....This week's HNT pic is of MrKB's eagle tattoo. For as long as I've known him, he had a little blue fucked up cross on his arm that was the result of a very drunken night, and him and his friends doing homemade tats with a regular needle and some ink. He didn't even remember doing it...noticed it in the mirror the next morning and thought some wise-ass had drawn on him with a pen. He was surprised when it hurt to try and wash it off!
He loves eagles and collects eagle figurines and stuff, so when we finally had the money and the chance to drive down to Texas, I wasn't surprised this was his choice to get the old cross covered up. It's still not finished, he wants to go back and get it colored in sometime in the near future, but I think it looks pretty cool the way it is now. :)

For more Half-Nekkid fun, go and see Osbasso. Click the red button in my sidebar with the lady in lingerie for guidelines. Happy HNT! :)
Happy Anniversary.
Love the tat just as it is.
That's a great tat on the hubby! Cheers and Happy HNT!
a work in progress i see. better than a drunken mistake! Happy anniversary and HHNT!!
You just had to give me the bird didn't ya? HHNT
Wow! That is beautiful!
Btw, my blog url has changed:
Very cool Tat :-) Glad ya'll had a nice evening. HHNT
nice tat, HHNT!
Very nice! Happy HNT!
i like the wispiness of the lines in the tat. happy HNT!
Wow, some story about the homemade tattoo...
HHNT and a belated Happy Anniverssary!
i want a tattoo!!!
me next!
HOT tat!.. Happy Anniversary too!
Nice Ink!
Happy HNT!
Very nice tat! I'm getting ready to get one myself! Happy Anniversary too chickie!
Wow! Very detailed!
Happy HNT!
Great cover-up! Can't even see the old cross. I bet he likes it a lot better now though.
Happy HNT
I like it! I agree, I think it would be awesome in color, although I like the sketch look ones too!!!!!
Nice tatoo! HHNT honey!
I like the tattoo.
My father is also a huge fan of Eagles. He even named his business after Eagles and uses them in his designs. Makes finding birthday and Christmas presents easy though :)
Happy HNT!
Happy HNT! Love the Tatt!
sometimes messin' w/ a basic outline ruins a tat, this looks purdy hot to me! hhnt, mama!
Neat! HHNT!
Every sexy man needs a little tatoo on their upper arm!
Happy HNT!
I love tats...very nice, but did you say cover up?? really? where?
happy HNT
Nice looking tattoo, but I'll never one no matter how drunk I get. HHNT
great tat - i'll be getting my first in 7 weeks (that's the plan, anyway) :) ~HHNT~
Very cool!! HHNT!
Cool tattoo!
Happy late anniversary!!!
Happy HNT!
now I am motivated to go out and get a tattoo on my shiny bald head...well maybe a temporary henna one to freak the office out
HHNT and nice ink
Nice tat! Happy HNT!
Great tat! Happy HNT!!
Very cool tat and a great story. Glad you had a good anniversary love. HHNT to you and the Mister.
Happy HNT!
Luvin' the Tat!
Happy HNT
I jsut read your comment about Tequila over at BTE, that was so funny what he posted!!!
Happy HNT and Happy Anniversary! I had my 20th anniversary not too long ago!!! We met when we were 12...strange how life throws stuff at you. I married a sailor once, BIG MISTAKE...anyhow, thanks for popping in to say HI!! My life is dull and boring but you know, I wouldnt trade with anyone...except maybe whoever Kiefer is sleeping with these days...hehehehe
Hey happy aniversary... that's a great srory (below) and such a pretty bride :)
Sorry I haven't been around much... I'll try to keep up more :)
very cool mr.B.Happy HNT
Happy belated Anniversary wishes, sorry I missed it.
You call this a LOW week on HNT comments? Sheesh! I'd be thrilled to get 45 comments ANY day! NICE Tatt and HHNT!
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