My own little corner of the web, where I hope to entertain you with tidbits of my life, or at least get your attention from time to time. If not, at least I have a place for my thoughts, hopes, gripes, etc. :)
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Happy New Year!!
Well, since I am still kinda new to the blog world, I don't have that much to reminisce about as far as blogland goes. I do know that I have met some truly awesome people since starting my blog! I also discovered the phenomenon that is HNT and I love it!
2005 definitely brought extreme changes to my life. You know how they say "a baby changes everything"? Just imagine suddenly going from having no kids (at home anyway) to having a baby AND a toddler in the space of a month! Oh my gosh, y'all can't even begin to know all I've been through this year, and I am still going through. It has been wonderful, awesome, frustrating, scary, and all kinds of other emotions together.
2006 is going to bring more challenges as we continue to fight to bring Andy home permanently, and to get all three of the kids adopted and out of DHS custody. I hope it will all work out in the end.
So, here's to a great New Year! I hope you all have your dreams come true!
Happy Birthday Destiny!
Dear Destiny,
It's been six months now since you came into our lives and changed it forever. It has certainly been quite an experience!
You took right to us with no problems even after all you've been through in your short life. Before you came to live with us, you had already been in four different foster homes and you were only 2 1/2!
You sure have changed in the last half year...your speech is better, though you are still hard to understand a lot of times, which can be very frustrating to both you and your Daddy and me when you can't get across to us what you are wanting to say. Even more frustrating is when I don't hear what you are saying and say "What?"'ll repeat whatever it is even quieter than you said it the first time! Oh, I'm having SUCH a hard time trying to explain to you what "louder" means! You've become more independent, saying "I do it!" when it comes to a lot of things, especially getting dressed. I try to let you "do it" as much as I can, but you still need help at times.
So, today you are 3, or "free" as you say...LOL...I guess that's how most little kids say " 3" at first. Lately you have become quite the diva! You've been demanding, wanting what you want when you want've been possessive, everything to you is "mine!"...and most aggravating, you've been throwing temper tantrums when you don't like something, crying and hollering at the top of your lungs! Oh my gosh, I hope you outgrow this particular phase soon!
Your Daddy and I want you to know that even with all the changes that have happened in our lives since you (and Meghan!) came along, all the drama, frustrations, and tears, we both love you so very much and can't imagine life without you anymore! We can't wait to see what happens next... you do bring lots of happiness to our lives, no matter what else happens!
Happy Birthday Destiny! I hope the day is joyful and full of surprises for you!
Love you forever,
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
My 9th Half-Nekkid Thursday
I've only been doing HNT for a couple of months now, so I don't have a lot of pics to choose from. Most of mine have been of my kids, or parts of them. This HNT pic is my favorite because it was when I chose to be bold and really put myself out there. This is as half-nekkid as I've ever been on the I give you...for an encore performance.....
My Belly! :)
Notice I am not a "skinny bitch"...and that's okay, 'cuz I'm loved just the way I am! :)
Happy HNT!! For more nekkidness, go see the Grand Poobah of HNT, Osbasso! Just click on the button with the lady in lingerie in my sidebar.
Monday, December 26, 2005
And So It's Over...
All the kids got quite a haul...Andy loved his bike, though unfortunately we didn't get to let him ride it yet. We had him on Christmas Eve, and it was pretty chilly outside and not good for his asthma. Wouldn't you know that the very next day it was nice and warm and a beautiful day! Had to have been damn near 70 degrees! It was so funny, right before he left to be taken home by MrKB he gave his bike a hug and a kiss while saying "Bye Bikey!" LOL Kids just crack me up sometimes...
As for MY goodies, I got some nice stuff...I got not one, but TWO of the new Garth Brooks boxed set of cd's (one from Mom, one from hubby), a Tigger t-shirt and two sets of Tigger slipper socks, 3 porcelain dolls (2 of them are a set of kissing dolls), some manicure stuff, a makeup set, Beanie Babies, a set of very cool jammies...I think there was more, but that's all I can recall at the moment.
MrKB got a new PS2 game, "Gun", that he's playing right now, 2 DVDs (Star Wars Revenge of the Sith and Fantastic Four), some Stetson Black cologne, a Monster Garage coffee mug set, gift card for WalMart, LOTS of chocolate candy...which made him happy, 'cuz he's a tennis shoes, a miniature Van Gogh painting set, and ummmm...I don't know what else.
Can't even begin to tell ya all the stuff the kids got! LOL
Christmas was wonderful, but I'm so glad it's over now! I slept until noon today, and I still feel exhausted! My house is a wreck, there are still presents everywhere that need to be put away, or put together, and the general clean-up needs to be done. Right now I don't wanna!! Think I'm just gonna be lazy and hang out in my cool new jammies all day...I do need to go to the grocery store sometime today though, the baby needs formula.
Gotta go for now, Meghan is tired and raising hell...gonna try to get her down for a nap.
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Merry Christmas Y'all!!
We will spend Christmas Eve at MrKB's Mom's for awhile...probably having another dinner and opening more presents. But first, in the morning our kids will open their presents from us here at our place. We only have Andy with us until 6pm Sat, so we told him that we talked to Santa and he's gonna be making a special stop at our house just for him, since he won't be here on Christmas day. He seemed excited about that....I got their stockings all filled and waiting, and the bike is back out of hiding. I absolutely cannot wait to see the kids' faces in the morning!!
Sunday we'll be at MrKB's Aunt's house with his Mom's side of the family to exchange gifts with people whose names we drew....the kids will probably get even MORE presents, and we'll have yet another dinner. WooHoo I won't have to fix dinner for 3 nights in a row!! (I hate to cook, but have to anymore since the kids came along).
Gonna be a really busy weekend for us! MrKB gets Monday off from work, so he'll be able to recover from all the running around we'll be doing. Didn't get a Christmas bonus asses!!! Ah, well....
Anyway, just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, and whatever else you may be celebrating, I hope it is perfect in every way and wonderful new memories are made.
And to all a Good Night! :)
Thursday, December 22, 2005
The Second Meme and Christmas HNT
*on a side note...can someone PLEASE tell me how to link to other blogs I'm referring to in my posts?? I want to be able to do it by just putting Heather or whatever instead of the whole web addy.*
"The first player of this game starts with the topic "five weird habits of yourself," and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals. Don't forget to leave a comment in their blog or journal that says "You are tagged" (assuming they take comments) and tell them to read yours."
Alright, so...five weird habits...have to think on this one a bit!
1. Whenever I read the newspaper, I HAVE to fold the pages back on each other EXACTLY. I don't read the paper all spread out in front of me...I will read it kinda like how you would fold a magazine back around itself (does that make sense??) and I will fold the crease opposite of how it is to start with. I can't stand for a newspaper to get all messy while I'm reading it.
2. Before I get in bed, I will straighten the covers...then after I get into bed I will pull the top edges of the sheet even with the comforter (and blanket too, if there is one)...then I will fan the covers until they are situated just how I like them. This drives MrKB nuts!!
3. When I do my laundry, I always do it in a certain order...girls' clothes, then colors, whites, jeans then towels. I don't know why, I just bugs me if the order is out of whack.
4. Like Opaco said on his 5 weird thing meme, when I'm going to sleep I have to lay on my stomach, and rub my foot along the bed. It relaxes me...except I don't scoot down and hang my feet off the edge...can't stand that.
5. And finally...this is something that I don't do as much anymore, but still do sometimes...When I'm eating Crunchberries cereal, I will eat all the "crunch" part first, then as I'm eating the berries I will count them.
Ok, that was harder than I thought!! I'm supposed to tag 5 people now, so I tag:
KateHopeEden Yep, I wanna know weird stuff about y'all!
Now, for my Christmas HNT...According to Osbasso, we're supposed to choose 3 other HNTers and post what we would get them for Christmas if we had the means to. So, I pick: Aisha, Ty, and Jenn (Signgurl)
For Aisha: I would buy you the coolest pair of leather gloves ever to replace the Trinity-like gloves your sister was so quick to give away. In fact, I'd buy you two pairs, so you'll always have a back-up pair!
For Ty: I would pay for all the high tech stuff needed to keep tabs on your wife's growing belly, and pretty much guarantee a beautiful, healthy baby.
For Jenn (Signgurl): I would buy you 12 gift certificates, enough for once a month for a year, to a Luxury Day you can relax and be pampered by hot tubs, facials, and deluxe massages by a gorgeous masseur. You deserve it!
There we go! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! Happy HNT!
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
I Got Tagged!
Put an "X" by all the things you've done and share it with your friends.
1. (x) Smoked a cigarette. Yeah...unfortunately started smoking when I was 19. Still working on quitting.
2. ( ) Crashed a friend's car.
3. ( ) Stolen a car.
4. (x) Been in love. Of course! I am truly, madly, deeply in love with my husband! And yes, I'd been in love before him, but not this way.
5. (x) Been dumped. A couple of times...usually it was me that initiated breakups.
6. (x) Shoplifted. For some reason, when I was a kid, I stole some Hot Wheels cars. Don't really know why...
7. (x) Been fired/laid off. I don't know anyone that hasn't at some time or another.
8. (x) Been in a fist fight. Not really...I did get jumped by a boyfriend's ex once though...she just didn't like me. I would've fought back, but when she started on me she knocked me down and my hearing aid went flying off into the grass...I was too busy trying to find it to hit her back. Stupid bitch.
9. (x) Snuck out of your parent's house. Yeah, and got caught too.
10. (x) Had feelings for someone that didn't have them back. Isn't that what a crush is???
11. ( ) Been arrested. No way!
12. ( ) Gone on a blind date. Nope. Never needed to.
13. ( ) Lied to a friend. I don't think I have anyway...I try to be honest.
14. (x) Skipped school. Twice...and I got caught both times! Ended up with ISS (In School Suspension) both times.
15. ( ) Seen someone die. Thankfully, no.
16. ( ) Been to Canada. Had opportunities to when we were on the road, but since our cat rode with us, we didn't go into Canada.
17. ( ) Been to Mexico. Been right on the border, but not actually there...someday I will!
18. (x) Been on a plane. Yes, and I hate every minute of it...I have a fear of flying.
19. ( ) Purposely set a part of yourself on fire. WTF would I do THAT for?!?
20. (x) Eaten sushi. Does tasting it count?? I thought it was nasty.
21. (x) Been skiing. Yep, both snow and water. I like snowskiing better, but can't do that in Oklahoma.
22. (x) Met someone in person from the internet. Yep, a friend from Australia who had a layover in Dallas, and a really good friend in Virginia.
23. (x) Taken pain-killers. Hasn't everyone??
24. (x) Love someone or miss someone right now. I love and miss my two stepdaughters who live with their Mom in Texas.
25. (x) Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by. Lazy days!
26. (x) Made a snow angel. Not since I was a kid.
27. (x) Had a tea party. Again, not since I was a kid.
28. (x) Flown a kite.'s kinda boring.
29. (x) Built a sand castle. Nothing too fancy though.
30. ( ) Gone puddle jumping.
31. (x) Played dress up. I was a little girl once ya know.
32. ( ) Cheated while playing a game.
33. (x) Been lonely. Of course.
34. (x) Fallen asleep at work/school. School is a given...but when I worked at the daycare, I would lay right down with the kids at nap time and have a little snooze.
35. ( ) Used a fake I.D. I didn't even know where to GET one.
36. (x) Watched a sunset. Lots more of those than sunrises, lemme tell ya.
37. (x) Felt an earthquake. A little one when I was in San Diego...most Californians prolly didn't even notice it.
38. (x) Touched a snake. Our class pet in the 6th grade was a boa constrictor.
39. (x) Slept beneath the stars. In a tent, but that counts, right?
40. (x) Been tickled. I hate that.
41. (x) Been robbed. By a family member of all things.
42. (x) Been misunderstood. Who hasn't??
43. (x) Petted a reindeer/goat.
44. (x) Won a contest. Spelling bees are contests, aren't they?
45. (x) Ran a red light. It happens.
46. ( ) Been suspended from school.
47. (x) Been in a car accident. I rear ended a minivan when the brakes on my car failed. Fender bender, nothing serious.
48. ( ) Had braces. I wish I had.
49. (x) Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night.
50. (x) Had deja vu. Always freaky when that happens.
51. (x) Danced in the moonlight. Yep, and nekkid too!
52. (x) Liked the way you looked. Occasionally...I clean up nicely.
53. ( ) Witnessed a crime.
54. (x) Questioned your heart. Big time.
55. ( ) Been obsessed with post it notes.
56. (x) Squished barefoot through the mud. Hell, my Grandmother has pics of me and my cousins taking a mud bath.
57. (x) Been lost. Only 'cuz hubby refused to stop for directions!!
58. (x) Been to the opposite side of the country. Been to all the States except Alaska and Hawaii.
59. ( ) Swam in the ocean. Too scared of sharks and jellyfish.
60. (x) Felt like dying. Yes, of a broken heart.
61. (x) Cried yourself to sleep. I had a miscarriage.
62. ( ) Played cops and robbers.
63. (x) Recently colored with crayons. I have small children, what do you think?
64. ( ) Sung karaoke. Nope, but get me drunk enough and I might!
65. ( ) Paid for a meal with only coins.
66. (x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't.
67. ( ) Laughed til some kind of beverage came out your nose.
68. (x) Caught a snowflake on your tongue. Just the other night, actually.
69. ( ) Danced in the rain.
70. ( ) Written a letter to Santa Claus. If I did, I don't remember.
71. (x) Been kissed under the mistletoe.
72. (x) Watched the sun rise with someone you care about.
73. (x) Blown bubbles. Of course.
74. ( ) Made a bonfire on the beach. Ain't no beaches in Oklahoma.
75. ( ) Crashed a party.
76. (x) Gone roller-skating. Are you kidding?? Before driving, the skating rink was THE place to be on weekends.
77. (x) Had a wish come true. I have kids now, don't I?
78. ( ) Worn pearls. Not real ones, no.
79. ( ) Jumped off a bridge.
80. ( ) Ate dog/cat food. Ewwww!
81. ( ) Told a complete stranger you loved them.
82. (x) Kissed a mirror. Only when leaving sexy messages in lipstick!
83. ( ) Sang in the shower. Can't hear myself, so it'd be kinda pointless, don't ya think?
84. ( ) Had a dream that you married someone.
85. ( ) Glued your hand to something.
86. ( ) Got your tongue stuck to a flagpole. I'm not that stupid.
87. ( ) Kissed a fish. Again, Ewwww!
88. (x) Sat on a rooftop. The roof on my Grandparents detached garage is low-hanging and easy to climb on.
89. (x) Screamed at the top of your lungs.
90. (x) Done a one-handed cartwheel. Not very well.
91. (x) Talked on the phone for more than six hours on one occasion. I was a teenager once, of course I did!
92. (x) Stayed up all night. Lots of times.
93. (x) Didn't take a shower for a week. That's easy to do when you live on the road.
94. ( ) Picked and ate an apple right off the tree. An apple, no...a pear, yes.
95. ( ) Climbed a tree that had a tree house. Scared of heights.
96. (x) Been told by a complete stranger that you're hot. Been awhile.
97. ( ) Ever had a one night stand.
98. (x) Ever missed someone so much it still hurts to think of them. My Grandpa and my Nannie.
99. ( ) Ever loved someone that you knew wouldn't love you back.
100. ( ) Ever been to a professional baseball, football, or hockey game in a stadium. No...been to a semi-pro baseball game though.
101. (x) Went hiking in the mountains.
102. ( ) Smoked a cigar.
103. ( ) Had a crush on someone you worked with but never told them. Nope, never had any crush-worthy coworkers.
104. (x) Wished you had the chance to change your profession. Yep, and I did too...From Cosmetologist to Preschool Teacher.
105. ( ) Ever cremated and kept the ashes of a pet you cared a lot about.
106. (x) Wished you could live your life over again beginning at age 21.
107. ( ) Been baptized.
108. (x) Rode a horse. Yep, not too bad at it either...I manage to stay on.
109. ( ) Sent flowers to someone you never met.
WHEW! This was longer than I thought!! I'm not gonna tag anyone, but I hope somebody else will do it anyway. I'll do the other meme tomorrow, Heather, okie doke?
Monday, December 19, 2005
Hope You Like Pictures!
This first pic is of Meghan and her first time to stand up in her Pack 'n Play. She's really got it down now, pulling herself up on anything she possibly can.
Another pic of Meghan this one she's holding onto the couch in the living room. I think I took her by surprise... I just called her name and she turned around to look at me and I snapped the picture. I can't believe how fast she's growing!!
LOL...this is something I just HAD to take a picture of...She was sitting in her Exersaucer while watching a Baby Einstein DVD. She must have been extra tired from all the standing, 'cuz I looked over at her and she was fast asleep! :)
And finally, these three pics are the results of the shopping frenzy! You saw the tree before, now see it after! I still have a few presents left to wrap, but the majority of the ones here are the kids', not counting their Santa gifts. Well, except for the bike....just had to show y'all!
Now that I'm done worrying about how Christmas is going to be, I can hardly wait for it to get here!! LOL
Gotta go....gonna make a fringed blanket for my Aunt whose name I drew this year! It was decided we'd make gifts instead of buy them, so here I go...
Friday, December 16, 2005
Shopping Frenzy
Andy is gonna be thrilled to see what Santa brings him! He's getting a shiny new bike! He has one, but it's a small bike and he's been wanting something bigger. See what you've done, Christmas Angel?? A little boy's wish is gonna come true on Christmas day! That kid is gonna make out like a bandit this year between me and MrKB, his fosters, and both our parents and Grandparents. Spoiled rotten, I tell ya!
Destiny is gonna do just as well...We didn't get as much stuff for Meghan though. We figure she's gonna be more interested in the wrapping paper and bows anyway. LOL
Speaking of Meghan, she's reached another baby milestone. She can now pull herself up into a standing position! I took a picture of her the first time I saw her do it in her Pack 'n Play. I don't have it loaded on the computer yet...when I do, I will post it for y'all to see. Won't be long now and she'll really be running me ragged! I wish she could stay little like this for awhile. I waited so long for a baby and I'm enjoying every minute of her baby days....well, almost every minute...she's gotten quite vocal lately, and at the top of her lungs too!
MrKB is feeling better...ended up going to the doctor, and just as we thought, he has strep throat. Got him his OWN antibiotics (y'all can quit worrying now) and today is the first day all week that his throat didn't hurt so much. He ended up missing four days of work. Ouch...We didn't take Andy for the weekend, obviously we don't want him to catch this crap. We'll see him next weekend. I hope he wasn't too disappointed...I'd promised him we'd make Christmas cookies.
I've got more stuff to tell y'all about, but Meghan is raising hell and I need to go get her to sleep. I'll try to post about it tomorrow...technically it IS tomorrow, since it's after midnight, so I guess I should say later today. That's it for now, though. Hope y'all are having a good weekend! :)
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
So anyway...finally managed to get around to typing up and printing off some copies of my Christmas newsletter for the cards. Now I just need to get around to signing them and getting them addressed and sent off if I want people to get them before Christmas!
I've got a Christmas angel! One of my blogger friends has the most generous spirit ever, and has helped me to be able to have some presents under our tree for the kids. Thanks to her, their first Christmas with us is going to be great! I don't want to mention her name, because I don't think she'd want the attention...but she knows who she is, and I just wanted to acknowledge it here on my blog. I've never had anybody be so sweet and caring before, and I appreciate it more than she'll ever know. So, a million Thanks to my special Christmas Angel!!! :) You are truly amazing, and have got to have some awesome karma coming back to you! THANK YOU!
This morning I had to go to the doctor for a hearing test. I applied for Disability for my hearing impairment, and they needed more medical evidence. They set the appointment and the test up at no cost to me, so I went...this is one test I knew I wasn't gonna fail, that's for sure. After all, I'm completely deaf in my left ear and have had a hearing aid in the other since I was 10 years old. Hard to believe it's been 24 years now. The good thing about this test is I found out that my hearing hasn't gotten any worse over the last 10 years. I worry about losing what hearing I have left sometimes...
Nothin' else new to report...I'm so boring, I know! LOL
Sunday, December 11, 2005
It's Been a Long Weekend...
I don't know what the hell was wrong with these kids this weekend. They have drove both me and MrKB nuts! Andy has gone home now, but the other two are still here and my niece keeps complaining she is bored. Argh....
Destiny was a little brat all day yesterday after the kids got here. She got in trouble I don't know how many times! Just general not minding, doing stuff she knows she's not supposed to, that kinda thing. Even Andy got in trouble a couple of times!
This morning MrKB woke me up saying "Help! These kids are driving me nuts!" I got up and my nephew was in time out...apparently he'd been beating up on both his sister and Andy. I don't know what's got into him lately either...he thinks he's slick too, that we have no clue what he's up to. When he's lying, he's got a dead give away...he'll reach up and scratch his head, EVERY TIME! Like he's thinking hard on what to say.
I've had very little patience this weekend. Usually I'm a lot more patient with the kids...must be PMS, I dunno. All I know is I was ready for these kids to GO HOME!! My in-laws didn't come to pick them up until damn near 7pm, and they'd been here since around noon yesterday. I kinda felt taken advantage of, really. My girls didn't stay at her house that long on my birthday...we didn't even take them over there until in the evening and MrKB picked them up by 2 in the afternoon the next day.
Sigh....I'm probably just tired.
! You are most Like A Sapphire !Dark, mysterious - but unforgettable. You have a
deepbeauty. Delicate, and shy you try to stay away from
thelimelight but often your intelligence puts you in
at thedeep end. You're like a Sapphire, because, your
beauty is priceless.You're intelligent, full of opinions, and not
big-headed about it all.Sometimes you need to put yourself out there, as
you can be a bit shy.Congratulations ... You're the mysterious gem
everybody wants to have and learn more about.
?? Which Precious Gem Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla
Friday, December 09, 2005
Bet Y'all Are Dying to Know...
Mom came by in the afternoon and brought me my bday present: Season 10 of Friends on DVD!!! Just what I wanted! Also a card with 40 bucks. :) Daddy came over just a few minutes later and brought me a different printer for my computer. The one he'd brought before we couldn't get to work like it should. This one is bigger and a lot nicer...finally when there's something I want to print out, I can!
Then Mom, Dad, the girls and I went out to lunch at a Mexican restaurant. MrKB was working and couldn't go. It was great! I had chicken enchiladas with sour cream sauce. The employees sang Happy Birthday to me while I wore a purple sombrero on my I was a sight! It was all in fun.
Later, after MrKB got home, we took the girls to MIL's for the night and went out to the new casino at Remington Park. It's not bad, and we were actually doing pretty well on a quarter game, but played it all back again. I tried to tell MrKB we should cash out, but he insisted on playing some more. Oh well, it was fun, and we'd only put 20 bucks in it anyway. Never mind that we were up over 150 at one point...
We went back home sometime after midnight, and I would've had birthday sex, but MrKB had to be up at 4:30am to go to work. I told him to make it up to me later. ;)
Since the girls spent the night at Grandma's, I got to sleep in...woke up on and off a bit, but didn't get up for good until 1pm!! I hadn't slept that long in AGES!! It was great!
All in all, I had a better birthday than I thought I would.
Tonight is supposed to be our night to pick up Andy for the weekend, but his foster mom called last night...apparently there's some Christmas party thing going on for the kids at the therapist's office this evening and she wanted to know if we'd pick him up Saturday instead. Which is fine, really, but she should have called earlier in the week, not waited til the night before the day we're supposed to get him, don't you think?? You know she didn't find out about this party the day before, she's probably known about it all week. I'm debating emailing the caseworker about this...
Not much else going on...still haven't been able to do any Christmas shopping, have had to pay bills instead. I'm starting to worry that we won't be able to give the kids anything for their first Christmas with us. Sigh... I keep telling myself it will all work out, but I really don't know. And I know you're thinking "Why did you go to the casino then?" Because it was my birthday, dammit, and we only had 40 bucks anyway.
Hope y'all have a great weekend!
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
My 8th Half-Nekkid Thursday
WooHoo! Two months worth of HNT! How time flies...
I haven't felt well today. Didn't do a whole lot...posted a few cartoons I'd gotten in an email that made me chuckle, checked out a few blogs, took a long-assed nap!
Last night I put a Weatherpixie on my blog in the sidebar. Would you look at that?!?! 14 fuckin' degrees!! In Oklahoma!!! It wasn't anywhere NEAR that cold on my birthday! And to top it all off, it freakin' SNOWED today! Grrrrr...I hate snow! We got at least an inch, maybe 2 here in the city. The snow doesn't bother me half as much as the cold though. Hope it doesn't last long!
Anyway, for HNT this week I've got a picture of warmer days. This is 2yr old....ah, bloody hell....I'm tired of referring to the kids by ages! This is DESTINY, enjoying the kiddie pool this past summer. We were at my grandparents' house, and it was a spur of the moment thing, so she didn't have a swimsuit, only her Pull-up. You shoulda seen that thing after it was waterlogged! was hanging way down in the back showing half her little butt! Too funny...
As for the other kids' names....5yr old is girl is Meghan. :)
For more Half-Nekkid fun, go see the Grand Poobah of HNT: Osbasso! Just click the half-nekkid chick on the red button in my sidebar. Happy HNT Y'all!
Monday, December 05, 2005
Na Na Na Na Na Today Is My Birthday! I am 34! Dang, I'm gettin' old. At least I feel it sometimes.
No big plans today....MrKB is at work and we won't be going out or anything since we're broke. My Mom is coming to pick me up in awhile to take me out to lunch. She's also getting me a birthday cheesecake...yum!
Other than that, it's not gonna be much of a day. Oh well.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
The Rest of My Weekend
MrKB and I got the tree set up and the branches all straightened out....put the garland on, then I proceeded to put hangers on the ornaments. 5yr old and 2yr old were so cute, running back and forth to me to get more ornaments to hang on the tree. They did a wonderful job, and the tree looks beautiful! Sorry the pic is a little blurry...If you look close, you can see some of my Christmas Teeny Beanie bears hung on the tree. One year, we did our tree almost entirely decorated with my beanie babies...I have a pic of that somewhere, so maybe I'll post it another day.
Also got out some of my other holiday beanies and put them around the living room. My computer is now all decked out for Christmas! :)
Today 5yr old and I went to see the Train Show at the fairgrounds. My Daddy is a member of a model train club (HO scale) and they have a big display at the show every year. It was just him and me...kind of a "bonding" thing for us. He seemed to enjoy looking at all the cool set-ups, and they even had a kids' hands-on area set up with train tracks and trains they could play with. He LOVED that!
All in all, it was a pretty good weekend....Oh yeah, the bday party at MickeyD's went good. Chaotic, as you can imagine, with about a dozen kids all hyped up on excitement and cake. My niece is quite the diva, actually, and was a bit of a brat. Too much excitement in one day for her, I guess. No major meltdowns, but lots of whining. Oh well.
Hope y'all had a lovely weekend, and remember, TOMORROW is my birthday, so send pressies!! LOL Cash will do in a pinch. ;)
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Happy Birthday Angelina!!
My niece being born was simultaneously joyful and painful for me. As you know from my last HNT, I had been trying for a very long time to get pregnant. My sister is younger than me, and had always said she didn't even want to have kids. When she got pregnant, it broke my heart. I felt like I'd been punched in the stomach when I heard the news. My Mom was the one who told me, because my sister was scared to let me know. She knew it would be painful for me.
Angelina was born 2 days before my 30th birthday...I'd hoped she'd be born ON my birthday, but I guess she couldn't wait any longer! Since that day, she's been spoiled rotten, lemme tell ya! I love her with all my heart and she's brought me much more joy than pain. Happy Birthday Angelina! I love you!
In other news, we went and picked up 5yr old yesterday for his weekend visit. Went to Big Lots and got a tree for Christmas! 20 bucks for a 7ft. tree with 300 lights on it already! They didn't have much of a selection as far as ornaments and stuff, so we went over to Wal-Mart and got a bunch of decorations. We haven't had a Christmas tree for about the last 3 Christmases since we were on the road in the big rig. The tree we used to have, and all our decorations, were lost when we moved. That really sucked since it was ornaments from my childhood and stuff like that.
Today we'll be going to McDonald's for Angelina's birthday party. 5yr old LOVES MickeyD's, so he's really looking forward to the party. Right now, though, I am doing laundry so the girls will have something to wear (that's warm enough!) and MrKB is getting a spot ready for our tree. It's gonna be a busy weekend!
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
My 7th Half-Nekkid Thursday
I've been married for going on 11 years now. I've been trying to get pregnant for the better part of the last 12 years. It's obviously not working!
When we first found out about the kids needing a home due to my BIL and his girlfriend losing their parental rights, baby girl had been born and was still in the hospital since she didn't have anywhere to go. She spent 3 weeks in DHS limbo basically...until we came onto the scene.
When we got the call from the caseworker telling us to go pick up our baby from the hospital, I couldn't do anything at first but stand there and say "Oh my god" and cry. I was so happy! Here's a little baby that I get to take home from the hospital...nobody else has ever been Mama to her but me. She is the light of my life, my precious baby girl....
And now, here for an HNT appearance.....her tiny little baby feet! I can't get enough of them...I love to kiss them and tickle them and hear her little baby giggles. :) Oh yeah...I made the pic black-n-white just for the fun of it!
If you don't know what HNT is and ya wanna get in on all the Half-Nekkid fun....ya gotta go see the Grand Poobah of HNT: OSBASSO! Just click on the half-nekkid chick on the red button in my sidebar. :)
How Counseling Went...
Counselor started off by talking with us privately, and the first thing she asked is how we felt about how things went at court. How did she expect us to answer??? Obviously we weren't happy about it...I more or less just let MrKB answer that one, for fear I'd say something I regretted. He basically told her we felt like we were attacked over the whole smoking thing. He told her that our smoking was not the reason we were there, that the kids were the reason for court that day.
She brought up the bonding with me thing again...said she has no concerns whatsoever about MrKB, but that she's still concerned about me. Big surprise. At least this time I was able to tell her about some of the things that he and I did together when we had him this last time.
Then we went to have our session with 5yr old. Basically all that happens then is we all go to the playroom and she leaves the room for awhile and leaves us to play with 5yr old. Then she comes back and she'll sit and ask 5yr old what he thinks of things, like staying at our house. He always answers "Fine." I don't know what she expects him to say, really. One very good thing that happened though, is while he was telling her about us watching "Ice Age" together...I had given him a bowl full of little marshmellows to snack on while we watched. He said, "And Mom gave me some marshmellows." She asked him who he was talking about when he said "Mom" and he pointed at me! I was surprised 'cuz I'd never heard him call me that before. She asked if he ever had, and I said that was new, but MrKB says he has before...usually when we're in the van, so I probably never heard him. So that right there was big points for me!
The overall tone of the session was good, and I left in a much better mood than I was when we got there.
One thing that's been happening lately since having 5yr old on these visits, is 2yr old has taken to calling me "Dana"....ugh....I've told her it seems like a million times that I am not "Dana" to her, I'm "Mommy", yet she's still doing it. Not every time, but often enough, and I wish she'd quit it. Anybody else ever have this happen with their kids??
Saw This at Femi's...
Your 80s Heartthrob Is |
Toooo funny! Back in the day I had his posters plastered all over the walls in my room! I had the biggest crush on him...
Monday, November 28, 2005
One Holiday Down...
Thursday we went to MrKB's Aunt's for Thanksgiving. Ate lots of turkey and all that good stuff. All the kids behaved pretty well for the most part. My dessert I made came out good...not as good as Mom's, but good enough that Aunt Laura proclaimed it to be "orgasmic". LOL
Friday I had to watch my niece and nephew since they were out of school...MrKB was at work so I got to spend the day by myself with 5 kids. I was tired by the end of the day!
Saturday we went to my Grandparents' house in Enid for another Thanksgiving dinner. It was quite pleasant, really. I caught part of the only football game I like to watch on TV....OU Sooners vs. OSU Cowboys...unfortunately my beloved Cowboys got pretty much stomped. :( I think the final score was 42-14. Bleh. Oh, least they scored! So much for this year's Bedlam game. Freakin' Sooners....MrKB was happy though, since that's his team.
We had to leave pretty early from Enid to get 5yr old back home by 6pm. He was pretty good while he was with us, but for the first time, he kept saying he wanted to go home. He's never done that before, so we finally asked him "Don't you like it here?" and he said "No." Asked him, "Has somebody told you that you shouldn't like to be here?" and he said "Yes, Christopher did." Christopher is one of his foster brothers...apparently he is convinced he is his real brother. We told him that he's not...2yr old and baby girl are his real sisters...Christopher is his foster brother, and that's not quite the same. Really pissed us off that he's being told stuff like that.
After we took him home, we took the girls over to MIL's to see if she'd mind watching them for the night, 'cuz we needed a break. She did, so we went out to the casino for awhile (didn't win, but had fun) then went back home, had some tequila and "played". hehehe Yep...good times!
Most of Sunday we spent just being lazy...went and picked up the girls around 4pm...came back home for awhile, got them fed dinner, then we left to go visit MrKB's Dad in the hospital. He's not doing real well now...suffering from depression on top of everything else, worrying about stuff he can't do anything about, generally frustrated at the condition he's in. He has diabetes and cancer...his legs hurt him all the time now, and the cancer has spread to his brain. I think they've quit treating it, but I'm not sure. At this point it seems he's just waiting to die. We took the girls with us to see him, and I think it cheered him up a bit. He worries about 5yr old...really wants to see him placed with us before he goes. He is in the Extended Care section of the Veteran's hospital now...he gets to go home on the weekends, but I know he'd rather be there all the time...just can't because of all the care he needs. It just kills MrKB to see him like this and he's always kinda sad and withdrawn after we visit him. I told him he needs to visit him as much as he can now, no matter how it makes him feel to see him...Dad really needs the visits more than ever. I don't want his Dad to pass away and MrKB have regrets that he should have gone to visit more or talked to him more, or anything like that.
Sigh...all I can do is be there for him while he watches his Dad waste away.
That was pretty much our weekend...2yr old has come down with yet another cold...she's coughing quite a bit and has sniffles and sometimes a bit of a temperature. Sheesh...this is the third one already this winter. God forbid I get sick...
OMFG!!! 5yr old's foster parents have PISSED ME OFF AGAIN!!!!
Our caseworker just called....apparently we weren't supposed to have him home 'til Sunday at 6pm...just a miscommunication there. What's pissed me off is that "they" claim that he came home smelling like smoke again! There is just NO FUCKING WAY this time. We don't smoke in the van, don't smoke around him...he wasn't exposed to any smoke whatsoever. Matter of fact, we didn't smoke at all while we had him. When we went to Aunt Laura's everyone there who smoked went outside or in the garage, so 5yr old wasn't exposed to it....and that was on Thursday. Also, he supposedly said that me, MrKB and Grandma were smoking in the car. WTF??? Why the hell would we do that?!?! That's just simply not true...he wasn't ever even IN a car with Grandma, so I don't know where the hell he got that from. Yes I do...those people are either just saying he said this bullshit, or they are telling him to say it.
I am so pissed off I am shaking....and now we have to go to a counseling appointment with 5yr old and his foster mom will be's gonna take all my willpower not to smack that bitch upside the head!
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
My 6th HNT
I really love this picture! :)
Happy Thanksgiving and HNT y'all!
Don't know what HNT is? Click the red button on my sidebar and go see Osbasso, Lord of all things Half-Nekkid!
Found Over at Opaco's...
Your Blog Should Be Purple |
Kinda funny...considering my blog IS purple! LOL
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Good News!!
DHS held a "Grand Staffing" meeting this last Monday regarding our case and the kids, in particular 5yr old. This is a meeting where everyone involved in the case and a few neutral parties get together to discuss the situation. Foster parents were not included. I'm not sure why...
MrKB talked to our family support leader to find out how things went, and apparently, with the exception of 5yr old's therapist, EVERY SINGLE person there wants him with US as soon as possible!! The big issues that came up were my bonding with him and our smoking (of course). As for the bonding one of the neutral parties said "A mother bonds with a child when she cooks for him, bathes him, takes care of him, all the day to day things and she (meaning me) hasn't had the chance to do all these things." Everybody (except therapist) AGREED with this statement! As for the issue of our smoking, our support leader and our caseworker let them know we are already working to quit. It will take time, but by God, we are taking that complaint out from under them, and we WILL prevail!
Also...check this out...
Our caseworker called us and we will be picking 5yr old up tomorrow at 4pm and we'll have him until Saturday at 6pm. So we get him for Thanksgiving! Not only that, but from now on we get him EVERY WEEKEND, from 6pm Fridays to 6pm Sundays. I guess his foster parents finally pissed off the caseworker. I'm sure his foster parents are having fits about this news, but they can KISS MY ASS!!! hehehe So, even though court didn't go so well for us, the Grand Staffing went totally our way! YAY! Once we have him with us, they won't be seeing him ever again...before we were gonna let them keep in touch with him and see him now and then, and maybe even have an occasional overnight visit. Not anymore...why should we after they lied to us and have done everything they could to try and make us look bad?
The caseworker is also gonna get it worked out that the kids' 11yr old sister spends at least one night or something with us every other weekend. She's gonna talk to 11yr old's Grandfather and see about working out a schedule.
Now...for other news...
Baby girl is growing so fast! She sits herself up all the time now and has finally figure out she can go forward on her hands and knees! So now she's crawling, but only little short distances, just enough to get over to whatever toy she can't reach at the time. She hasn't figured out that if she wanted to she could crawl all over the house yet. Soon, though, I'm sure!
2 yr old is making good progress on the potty training front. She stays dry now more often than not. She's gone 3 days of being dry at the most...then she peed her pants all freakin' day for 2 days. I guess that's how it goes for awhile, but she's doing better! She never poops in them at least, unless she's got diarrhea, and I can't really blame her for that. I'll be glad when we're done with the potty training stuff.
As for the smoking, today was the 4th day of trying to quit. We have figured out that we can't go all day yet without having one or maybe two cigarettes. We're working on day at a time! We decided one or two a day after what we smoked before ain't bad at all, and it keeps us from killing each other!
I like how my blog looks is not my color but it was the closest thing to purple that blogger had that I liked. I got the new template at wasn't too hard to install and they had tips for doing other stuff to, like removing the blogger navigation bar from the top. If you're looking for a change, you should definitely check it out! As for Tigger in my profile pic, I'm a Tigger fan, so it makes the place more "me". I've got different Tiggers for when the holidays or seasons change.
That about wraps it up for now! :)
Monday, November 21, 2005
Making Some Changes...
I Hope Y'all Won't Be Too Disappointed...
The urge was just too much. The need was just too much. I was okay for the rest of the night after having a far this morning since putting on a fresh patch I am okay. MrKB had one too, so it wasn't just me. He'd gone even longer without one though...he smoked more than me, and had been a smoker longer than me. I hope he does okay today while he's out on the truck where he's used to smoking the most. It's gonna be tough for him today, I'm sure.
Oh, and to help keep me from being tempted again, the cigs were not my usual brand or type (I was a menthol smoker)...don't know if that matters.
Anyway, so now y'all know what I look like! My profile pic isn't very good, I know. In case ya missed it, I'm the one in the red sweater. :)
On to Day 3...
Sunday, November 20, 2005
2nd Smoke-Free Day and Some Pictures
Now, for some pictures!
There's a few more, but I'll post them another time. :)
Saturday, November 19, 2005
I Got Tagged! Again...
Rules are as follows: Remove the blog at #1 from the following list and bump everyone up one place; add your blog to the #5 spot.
oh so wonderful
Here's Your Sign
MamaKBear's World
Next: Select 5 new friends to piss off.
What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was settling into the newlywed life. I got married on Valentine's Day 1995...was working as a cashier in a grocery store.
What were you doing 1 year ago?
Riding on a big rig with MrKB and traveling all over the U.S. I really miss that sometimes.
Five snacks you enjoy:
Chips and salsa
Avocados...yep just avocados, with a little salt and pepper. current fave is Honey Bunches of Oats
Beef Jerky
Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:
The Thunder Rolls--Garth Brooks
Papa Don't Preach--Madonna
Two Pina Coladas--Garth Brooks
Livin' On Love--Alan Jackson
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
1. Buy my dream truck-a purple Dodge Ram (full size, with a Hemi!)
2. Buy MrKB the motorcycle he's always wanted.
3. Pay all of our debts, and the debts of our parents.
4. Buy a really nice house...big, but not huge.
5. Travel the world.
Five bad habits:
1. Smoking...working on that one!
2. Drinking too much Coke.
3. Cussing
4. Procrastinating
5. Not cleaning my house enough...let's just say it's lived in, but it's not filthy!
Five things you like doing:
1. Having sex
2. Fishing/camping
3. Reading in the bathtub
4. Counted cross stitch
5. Going to casinos
Five things you would never wear again:
1. Bellbottoms
2. Anything 70s just about...what were they thinking?!
3. Parachute pants (remember those??)
4. Neon
5. Pigtails
Five favorite toys:
1. My computer
2. My husband (sorry Jenn, me too!)
3. My scrapbooking stuff
4. Dancerella doll...ok, so this one's from when I was a kid..anyone remember her?
5. My "Friends" DVD collection
So there ya have it! :)
So Today is My First Cigarette-Free Day
MrKB ran out of cigs before I did, so he's been without any since about 6:30am Friday. So far, so good. We're not too terribly cranky and irritable yet, but I'm sure that's coming.
Good thing Aunt Flo's already been here and gone now...don't need my hormones going all nutso right now.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Yesterday Was a Shitty Day
First, our caseworker was late, and we had to wait for the judge to come back to our case. She finally showed up and our whole group went up before the judge. 5yr old's foster parents showed up to this one, but not the last one. I wish they hadn't showed up at all, because they are the reason it didn't go well.
We listened to things be covered regarding the kids' older sister who lives with her grandparents first. Then the judge moved on to things regarding 5yr old. THEY got to say that they were his foster parents and that they want to adopt him. Next thing we knew they were saying to the judge "Well, THEY smoke, and every time he comes back from a visit with them, whether it's 4 hours, 8 hours or whatever, he comes back smelling like smoke." Yeah...bullshit. "He has asthma, and we had it under control, but since he's been having visits, he's kind of regressed and has to have medication more often."
LYING MOTHERFUCKERS! For one thing, and we've said it over and over, and told the judge this too...WE DON'T SMOKE AROUND HIM AT ALL!! For another thing, us being smokers is not necessarily the reason his asthma has been worse lately. Lots of things can trigger asthma attacks...changing weather being just one thing. Playing hard, like little boys do, is another. I really don't think he's been going back home smelling like smoke, I think they are grasping at straws to try and keep him, and the fact that we smoke is what they are latching onto.
Unfortunately, this judge is biased against smokers. She claims that she has health problems now because her parents smoked, and blah blah blah. So she lets it be personal. I know judges are supposed to be fair and impartial, but this one is not. As of right now, it seems she is automatically siding with his foster parents. We didn't hardly get to say anything in front of her, except for trying to defend ourselves against what they claimed. Nothing was even brought up about the two girls we already have. They were there with us, and unless she's blind, she could see that they are happy, healthy, and well taken care of.
His counselor was there too, and she spoke up saying "I've been working with him trying to get him to understand the concept of moving over to them (us), but he is just not grasping it. I really feel that if he was moved from where he's at it will be very traumatic for him." She also made some remark about he thinks he came from his foster mom's belly. Where the hell did he get THAT from?? Somebody had to have told him he did. Has he completely forgotten about his birth mom? Maybe, but still. As for moving him in with us being traumatic...please. It may be rough on him for a bit, but he's 5! Kids are resilient, he will be fine! There's still the concern about him "bonding" with me. Give him a fucking chance to! He wasn't "bonded" with his current foster parents BEFORE moving in with them, now wa he? NO. That happened after him being there for awhile and being around them EVERY DAY. Personally, I don't think the problem is so much with him being attached to them, as it is with them being attached to him. Plus, they get 900 bucks a month in foster care payments through him, and I think they don't want to lose that money every month.
His therapist also told the judge that "He has a lot of health problems and I feel that 'they' can better take care of his medical needs." THAT pissed us off. What does she think, we're a couple of young, stupid kids that don't have a clue what to do if he has an asthma attack? I'd bet my husband knows more about it than his foster parents do. He has it himself, and his brother has it, and spent lots of time in the hospital as a child because of it. When MrKB was just a kid, maybe 10 years old, he had to learn about all his brother's medications and how to give them if he had to, including giving him shots. We can take care of his problems just fine, and told the judge so.
After everything was said, the judge seemed to only be focusing on the fact that we smoke. It didn't matter to her that we only smoke outside, or that we don't smoke around 5yr old. Nothing was done really except make us look bad and made to feel like we're criminals or something because of a bad habit we've had for years. Things are going to remain the same for now, and we go back to court on January 19th.
But wait! There's more!
After we all left the courtroom, the caseworker was saying on the way out the door, that she was extremely upset and led us down the hall to talk to us. We thought she was mad about how things went down in there, but then she turns to us and starts jumping all over our asses about the smoking thing. "There's no way in hell they're going to give him to you as long as you're smoking...We've told you over and over again not to be smoking around him...blah blah blah." So we got mad and said "We DON'T smoke around him, We DON'T smoke inside...What part of that are people not understanding??" MrKB smokes in our van going to and from work, but that's it. Not when there are any kids in it, only when he's alone. Can't do that anymore, either.
Oh, and while she was chewing our asses out, the attorney that was in the courtroom and heard it all, came up to her and pulled her over to the side. We didn't hear everything, but we got the impression that he wasn't happy with the way things went down, and he said something about bias and that he's going to the D.A. about it. Hopefully he's on our side regarding all that crap.
Then MrKB's Mom and one of the child advocate workers got into it about the fact that SHE smokes. The worker was saying that she wouldn't be allowed to be around 5yr old because she smokes. OH! OH! Mom was PISSED! The worker was basically saying that the fact that Mom smokes could be reason to keep 5yr old from being placed with us. Now THAT is not fair. People that don't even live where he's possibly going to be placed shouldn't even have any bearing on the case. Mom told her it's not fair to punish US because SHE smokes. That whole scene was drama we could have done without.
So, anyway...We were already talking about quitting smoking. Now it is official. We are tired of being made to feel like criminals. We are tired of his foster parents focusing on it. We are quitting smoking and then they won't have a leg to stand on. By the time we go back to court, we will be non-smokers. We went out to lunch after court, then went and got the patch and lots of gum.
We are still angry, though. We feel like we are being FORCED to quit, instead of quitting on our own terms. Nobody should be made to feel this way.
We do want these kids. If quitting smoking is what it's gonna take, then so be it. We are committed to these kids. And I know, it'll be better for our health...we'll save a lot of money...yadda yadda yadda. Believe me, we've heard the lectures.
Sigh...I had a killer headache all the rest of the day until I went to bed last night. I didn't get to everyone's HNTs, but I tried.
I'm gonna need all the support I can get y'all.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
My 5th Half-Nekkid Thursday!
Anyway, here ya are, my eyes!
If you wanna get in on all the Half-Nekkid fun, ya gotta go see Osbasso, Grand Poobah of HNT!
Just click on the red button in my sidebar. Happy HNT!
My Tarot Results">
You are Temperance
Time. Ages. Transformation. Involuntary change
Temperance is another card of aspiration, but also of much change. It often represents complex situations. Positively, you can harmonize contrary forces.
Temperance is, on a surface level, about "tempering." The original pouring from cup to cup might have been about cutting wine with water. So this is a card about moderation. There is, however, another angle to the card, that of merging seemingly impossible opposites. Sagittarius, the centaur, merges beast and man into a unique creature. And then there is the bow and arrow, one moving, one stationary, working together to point the way. Temperance may be, at first glance, a warning for you to "temper" your behavior, to cut your wine with water. But it may also be a reminder to that seemingly irreconcilable opposites may not be irreconcilable at all. Belief that fiery red and watery blue cannot be merged may be the only thing standing in the way of blending the two. Change the belief, measure out each with care, and you can create otherworldly violet.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out. the results to post, but picture didn't work this time. Bleh.
*edit* Apparently the link to take the test isn't working from here either...If you'd like to try it, head on over to The Chronicles of's in my blogroll over there-----> This is a cool test made by CyberWarlock himself, so go! Give it a try! I know others have been able to post their results without the probs I've been having. :(