Wednesday, November 30, 2005

My 7th Half-Nekkid Thursday

Gosh, time flies! Can't believe it's been almost two months since I joined in on the fun of HNT.

I've been married for going on 11 years now. I've been trying to get pregnant for the better part of the last 12 years. It's obviously not working!

When we first found out about the kids needing a home due to my BIL and his girlfriend losing their parental rights, baby girl had been born and was still in the hospital since she didn't have anywhere to go. She spent 3 weeks in DHS limbo basically...until we came onto the scene.

When we got the call from the caseworker telling us to go pick up our baby from the hospital, I couldn't do anything at first but stand there and say "Oh my god" and cry. I was so happy! Here's a little baby that I get to take home from the hospital...nobody else has ever been Mama to her but me. She is the light of my life, my precious baby girl....

And now, here for an HNT appearance.....her tiny little baby feet! I can't get enough of them...I love to kiss them and tickle them and hear her little baby giggles. :) Oh yeah...I made the pic black-n-white just for the fun of it!

If you don't know what HNT is and ya wanna get in on all the Half-Nekkid fun....ya gotta go see the Grand Poobah of HNT: OSBASSO! Just click on the half-nekkid chick on the red button in my sidebar. :)


Osbasso said...

Baby feet are always cute! Haven't been here for a couple of days--looks like things are looking up!

lecram sinun said...

Awww... sweet! Cheers and happy HNT!

Rose-Colored Beer Goggles said...

Niblet toes! Very fun :o) Cheers - have a great HNT!

Marie said...

ooooh!!! Baby feet are adorable! :)

Happy HNT!

Angela said...

Just Precious :) Happy HNT

Anonymous said...

Very sweet. HHNT

Lee Ann said...

love those tootsies! Happy HNT!

Blondie... said...

OMG I loooooove baby feet! Absolutely perfect!

Happy HNT!

Schadeboy said...

Welcome little BabyKBear! She's adorable! least her feet are anyway. I'm basically projecting about the rest of her.

Anonymous said...

Awwwww! How I miss those chubby little feet! My youngest just turned two, so still a bit chubby, but losing the baby fat nowdays...
Thank you for sharing that!

Happy HNT!

PackerPundit said...

women and their baby feet
geesh :)

Happy HNT gorgeous

Kim said...

"just direct your feet...
to the sunny side of the street."

Too sweet.

Anonymous said...

What IS it about baby feet that makes me want to just eat them up?! So sweet! Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

Oh Wow. There should have been a not work safe warning on this. My collegues get unerved to see a grown man cry. Just beautiful. Happy HNT MamaK

lime said...

baby feet are so sweet! happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

Awww that is so sweet.

Happy HNT! :)

Benjamin said...

terribly, terribly cute. Thanks for sharing it.
Good for you, for your family.
Happy HNT. And lots of other days too, for that matter.

SignGurl said...

Can I kiss those piggies? I miss baby feet and kissing them.

Happy HNT, chickie!

MG said...

ADORABLE.... happy HNT

Anonymous said...

AWWWW!!!! Little feet! Happy HNT!!

Tammy said...

That is awesome. And such an awesome story. How old is she??

Happy HNT!

The Middle Child said...

How cute!! Happy HNT!

GERBEN said...

I love love love baby feet! Such cute little piggies! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Happy HNT!

Logophile said...

serious "aaaaaaaw" factor
sooo very precious!
Happy HNT!

Sasha said...

oh the cuteness!!!

happy birthday on monday, and thanks so much for the birthday greeting today.. take care! hope you have as nice a birthday as i did ;)

Sasha said...

oh the cuteness!!!

happy birthday on monday, and thanks so much for the birthday greeting today.. take care! hope you have as nice a birthday as i did ;)

Tish said...

Awww, so cute! And I'm so glad that you got your baby after 12 long years! Things don't always happen the way we expect them to, but this story has a very happy ending! Happy HNT!

Jody said...

cute feet AND thank you for comment

WDKY said...

Lovely story... I'm so happy for you.

Happy HNT x

Anonymous said...

OMG! I ADORE those little piggies!!! congratulations :0)

HHNT, too!

Naughty K said... thats just too cute! I love babies,
Happy HNT

madgirl said...

aawww :) every time i see stuff like this...makes me want another one :)

so cute, honey.

Anonymous said...

Happy hnt toes!

Scott & Julia said...

Aww, what a cutie!! Happy HNT!

Mark Leslie said...

Gotta love those adorable little baby feet, and the touching accompanying story. Happy HNT to you and your little one!

NicoleC said...

Definitely the first HNT to bring tears to my eyes!
Congrats on your darling!

SJR said...

Awwwwww how cute!!!

Happy HNT!

Her Daddy's Eyes said...

Ok, my HNT picture has been outdone...but that's ok! I love the feet! Happy HNT baby style!


Happy Hiker said...

I love it when babies have rolls on their legs. Happy HNT

Tess said...

I just adore baby feet and those mini toes.

Happy HNT, Mama K.

Robin Alexa said...

That is too cute!!!!

Beth said...

Awwww! I love that!


Mia said...

Baby feet!!! I love them so much!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful baby feet. I know your feeling. I vividly remember going to pick up my adopted daughter when she was only 5 weeks old -- and that was 28 years ago. People who haven't tried and tried and tried and waited and waited and waited, don't really know what its like. Congratulations.

Stephanie said...

So adorable!! My little girls are my world!! Happy HNT!!

jade said...

Awwww. How wonderful that you are her mommy! So sweet.

Scarlet Traces said...

ooohhh, cute :) baby feet are the best :)
happy hnt!

Bsoholic said...

Cute baby footsies!

Happy HNT :)

The Village Idiot said...

too damn cute...just makes ya wanna tickle em!


Jillian said...

soooooo CUTE!!!

Happy HNT!

Dave Morris said...

A baby's feet are always so cute at that stage, yet so narly when they get older!


Aisha T. said...

How adorable! I love kissing baby toes!

Grandma Lola said...

Dontcha just love tiny baby feet. really cute pic!

Anonymous said...

Baby feet - just kissable! HHNT! ;)

The Village Idiot said...

oooooH baby bubble toes! Yay!

Happy HNT,
the (original) idiot

OLY said...

How cute!
Happy HNT and thanks for stoppin by :)

Nancy Pants said...

That is adorable!!! makes me want another one!!
Happy HNT

Robin said...

I just want to bury my face in those little arches. I love baby feet.

Anonymous said... are the sweetest..
Happy HNT!

Zoe said...

My baby is ten and I miss baby feet! Happy HNT and thank you for visiting my blog!

SCH said...

Aww, cute baby feet!! Happy HNT!

Chickie said...

I love babyfeet! Thanks for sharing!

Shauna said...

Those are the chubbiest, cutest feet I've ever seen.

Anonymous said...

Those feet are so cute they could (almost) make me think about having another one. Happy HNT.

~ A P R I L ~ said...

awe, wook at dose cute widdle pudgy baby feets, so pwecious and chubby....... I could just eat them up!! Thanks for sharing!!

Anonymous said...

This is the sweetest photo I have seen. The innocence of those tiny feet and tiny toes and all those chubby little leg rolls. Hey that rhymes. :)
Beautiful story as well. I missed your birthday?! Shame on me!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comforting note. Those little feet are so cute, the dimples and curves. Awww. Plus the tale is so heartwarming. That's really beautiful, Happy HNT

MomThatsNuts said...

Thats adorable, almost makes me miss when the troll~ings were small! ALMOST...Happy HNT...


PS A Polynomial is a math problem created by the devil himself for his own sick entertainment....and a pre-requisit for the nursing program.....

Hoochie Mama said...

What cute little feet! They make me want to nibble on them!

Happy HNT!

Chick said...

You & baby girl are both sweet things!

Happy, happy HNT.

Jaxe said...

awwwwww *heart* happy hnt

Heather said...

Those are the yummiest toes!! I could eat them up!! And such a beautiful story. Perhaps God knew this little angel would be needing you...enjoy her.

onan the bavarian said...

Thanks for sharing your story. Your joy over your baby shines through strongly. and the picture is delightful, I hope you keep it for her when she's older.

PS, this week I posted the real scar story.

onan the bavarian said...

Sorry about the last bit, I only just got round to reading my own HNT comments! I hadn't realised you had already visited and commented. Thanks.

aughra said...

Oh, god, look at those little fat ankles. I love it.

Happy HNT.

bricotrout said...

sorry it took me till now to get over here! what a wonderful story! congrats congrats congrats! and a very nice pic too!

cmhl said...

THAT, my dear, is about the cutest thing I have ever seen. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the little fat rolls on her ankles!!! Just makes you want to chew on them!!!

so CUTE!!!!!!!

Moosekahl said...

Baby feet are the best...that is an adorable picture.