Monday, November 14, 2005

My Weekend

Let's see...Friday MrKB and I took the kids to Grandma's for the night so we could go out...spent WAY too much money, but had a good time.

Since she watched ours, we took hers for Saturday. After we went and picked up 5yr old for his visit, we swung by to pick up our niece and nephew. Visit went fine, except when it was time for him to have his breathing treatment we found that the medicine for the machine wasn't there, so we ended up having to take him home early so he could get his medicine he needed. We kinda think his foster mom only acted like she was putting his medicine in there, so we would HAVE to bring him home early. He was not happy he had to leave, and cried about it.

Sunday we had a "family team meeting" with our counselors and such. Found out that 5yr old's foster family DOES still want to adopt him and they are going to fight for him. I hate people that lie. They told us they wanted to make this as easy as possible for him and that they weren't going to fight for him. We had already figured for ourselves that they were probably only saying this so we'd let our guard down. I've got news for ain't happening!! We are a lot smarter than they are apparently giving us credit for, and will be contacting that lawyer for sure now. DAMN IT!!! We go to court on the 17th about the kids...probably nothing really will be done at this time, but we'll see what happens. How can they not want him to be with FAMILY that loves him?? Not just MrKB and me, but his grandparents, cousins, etc. Ugh...

Sunday night around 10:30, 2 yr old started puking. Fun. She's 2, so she would just pretty much let it go right where she was at. Guess who got to clean it up after every time? Yep, me.
I did two loads of laundry in the middle of the freakin' night just of stuff she'd puked on. Two sets of bed stuff, four pillows, 3 blankets, and 2 sets of jammies. I finally just left her in her pull-up so I didn't have to keep taking pukey clothes off of her. After she puked on the couch, I got smart and laid down towels under her so if she did it again it'd be on towels and not the furniture. She had a trashcan next to her to puke in, but I guess she didn't get the concept. I tried to tell her "If your tummy is gonna come out your mouth, put it in the trash" but nooooo.

I was in a pretty crappy mood yesterday...short-tempered and cranky. Figured it was PMS, and I was right. Aunt Flo came to visit this morning....the bitch! I'm not feeling real well today either...hope I'm not getting whatever 2 yr old has. My tummy didn't feel so well last night either, but I think that was more from having to keep cleaning up puke. Ugh.

So friend Warlock over at The Chronicles of Chaos made a little quiz that I took today, but I can't get the code for my results to copy and paste so I can show y'all. Get on over there and check it out, he worked hard on it!


CyberWarlock said...

Hmm.. that's weird that the code wouldn't poste for you. I can send it to you in an email? I just need to know what Card Set you chose.

Aisha T. said...

MMKB: Wow, what a weekend. I hope everything works out. This has got to be hard on 5yr. Hope you are feeling better (and the 2yr old too! That's quite a bit of puke!)

Angela said...

Oh man what a busy weekend.. Hope you feel better & not get sick. :)

Anonymous said...

You knew that was coming. (That the foster family wanted to keep the 5-year old.) I don't know much about the way these things work but I hope and pray that things will work out for you in the end. Stay after your caseworker and make sure you get all of the information that you need. Good luck in court.

MamaKBear said...

cyberwarlock: I chose the Fantastical cardset. I'll try to post it again if ya email me the code. It's in my profile.

Aisha: I hope so too! 2 yr old is feeling better, no more puking (so far) but whinier than normal, so not 100%.

Kali: I don't have time to be sick!! Too much going on right now. Thanks for coming by g/f! :)

Ty: ahhhh, I, huh?

City Boy: Yeah, I know we did, but we still kinda hoped they were telling the truth. Stop by again this week, I'll keep y'all posted on the court thing. Thanks so much for the support!

SignGurl said...

I went through 4 sets of sheets in one night with my youngest. After the last puke, she says, "Momma, I think I wet the bed" only it wasn't pee! She had diarrhea. Poor thing.

I'm the worst when it comes to this 'cause I'm a puker myself. If I see it or smell it, yeah, I'm gonna puke too. Makes my husband so mad.

Keep your chin up about the kids. Everything will work out. I'm so glad you got the kids you deserve. :)

MamaKBear said...

mdrock: Thanks, it DOES suck! I'm sure I'll feel better tomorrow..mostly I'm just in a kinda pissy mood.

Jenn: Loads of fun, ain't it? She started showing signs of diarrhea the last time I put her on the potty before bed...I'm hoping she doesn't make a mess of herself during the night. Thought I was gonna toss my own cookies a few times, but by some miracle I didn't...MrKB was in bed 'cuz he gets up early. I told him next time I didn't care if he had to work the next day, he was doing the cleaning up!

Thanks for your support my friend!

Chick said...

Feel better & sorry to hear about the puke.

... said...

get a shister lawyer babe - the honest ones don't seem to make a difference - i can speak from personal experience... now to go teach my child that she can't light fireworks - even when daddy tells her to.